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Top 10 Reasons NOT To Join A Church Plant

A few weeks ago I shared some reasons why you should consider joining a church plant (here). This week I want to share some reasons why not to join.

As you read and reflect over these please understand that while we will gladly accept members from other congregations, our greater desire is to see many lives come to believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior. We want to see lives changed more than believers switching from one local church to another every few years.  We as a church planting team have a few words of caution for you to consider before you decide to make the leap:

1.  If you’re looking for the next cool thing in town (We want to grow by conversion growth, not church-goer transfer growth).

2.  If you’re a Christian and you don’t like your current church (You will find reasons to not like this church).

3.  If you have a bad track record at churches of being unteachable and causing problems (You won’t change here, you’ll repeat the pattern).

4.  If you’re a consumer wanting to “go to church” 1x a week for a nice show (We are not a Sunday show, we are a community of disciples on a mission).

5.  If you want religion (This church will be built on the radical gospel of grace).

6.  If you have an agenda (We have our vision, our mission, and our values—your private agenda does not supercede them).

7.  If you’re a wolf (We will sniff you out).

8.  If you think this will be a nice little church that stays the same size, where everybody knows your name and you have my cell number on speed dial and we have a picnic lunch together every week (By God’s grace, we want to grow).

9.  If you think this will be easy and smooth (This will be hard and difficult; this will be a fight, a battle, and a challenging mission).

10. If you want to hold onto your comfortable life (You must lose your life).

For the original post, see here